Sunday 2 September 2012

GMP Introduces Just wyling: A reality T.V show

A reality show, pioneerd by Gazza real name Lazarus karandu shiimi. The show is a 1st of its kind, for Namibia and aims at educating aswell as entertaining the namibian poplulation at large. The show starts of with the Gmp crew in atlanta, the crew embarks on a journey that would open the namibian peoples knowledge about the world and the places we here about, in the show we will learn about tyhe true U.S.A, The crew visits places such as the Martin luther house, The hollywood sign, the dirty south, georgia and famous places such the dash shop Kim kardashians shop are visited and Jayz's 40/40 club, and the CNN headquatrs whilst waving the namibian flag high.PG 13

Every wednesday on NBC or Dstv Channel 135

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